Feel free to check out my last post if you're just tuning in but to summarize, this blog series will be about playing through the ENTIRE English Final Fantasy library, in order, from Final Fantasy I all the way to present day.
While I love TA and would love to keep my blog here, I'm thinking I'm going to have to transfer it to another site. Primarily because the blogging system TA uses is extremely limited, not allowing pictures or other media that would probably make this a more interesting read. I'd still post links here as new blog posts but they would redirect to another website where I'm not limited by the type of media I can post. That will have to be a decision for another day, however, as it's 2:30 in the morning here and I have to be up by 6:30 tomorrow.
I have made some decent headway into Final Fantasy but I'll talk more about that tomorrow. I wanted to start off speaking a bit about the type of setup I'm using for these first few games. Since I am sadly lacking the original Final Fantasy games or even an NES to play them on, I am forced to use an emulator and will probably do so through VII when I can get them on PSN or Steam. I'm currently engaged and in the middle of wedding plans so money is also forcing the decision. As much as I'd love to drop a few hundred and pick up an NES/Final Fantasy, I just don't have the money to spend. I hope you all will forgive me my heinous crime.
For the NES games, I'm using Nestopia as it's the first emulator I found that really has all the features I'm looking for. It supports my Xbox 360 controller and allows full mapping so I can use the D-Pad which I like. It allows for simple taking of screenshots and recording of video if I choose to use that. Also, it provides a ton of video options which allows me to get a full-screen 4:3 ratio picture like what would show up on a physical NES. All in all, it's easy to use and shows up nicely.
For this journey, I will be using Save States only as a save backup since some ROMs can be finicky about their save files and I don't want to risk wasting 20 hours on a corrupted save. So each time I save in game, I'll Save State but otherwise, I won't use it since using it takes away some of the risk/reward felt by knowing you don't have a safety net in case something goes wrong. Not to mention that way, I won't feel suddenly crippled when I jump to FFVII on my PS3.
As for this blog as a whole, I'll try and blog each day I get some decent playtime in which, as of right now, will be Thursday - Saturday. Work schedules can always change, though, plus my wedding may not allow for that as a rule but I'll do my best. My guess is that this goal will go for at least a year, probably longer, so I'll have to adjust as life takes it's course. I'm excited to start the ride though and I look forward to hearing your thoughts as we go.
By their nature, these blogs will almost always contain minor spoilers but I'm never going to intentionally drop giant spoiler bombs on you, at least not without sufficient warning in advance. I figure if you're enough of a fan to be reading this still, I'm not going to be spoiling anything you don't already know but if something comes up, I'll warn you.
More news tomorrow on Final Fantasy and where this blog will be housed for the next long while. Catch you all later! If you think you know of an emulator that would work better than Nestopia or if you know where I can find some good English translations of Final Fantasy II, III or V for the NES, please let me know in the comments below!
NOTE: From this point forward, I'm going to stick to the Japanese numbering of the Final Fantasy games since the US numbering is hella confused by this point. If you don't know the numbering, it may be worth checking a Wiki page to figure it all out. AVGN has a pretty funny Chronologically Confused video that explains how this happened. Here's a link. Be aware, while this is tame for AVGN, there is mature language and it is not safe for work/school, at least without headphones:
To summarize really quickly: Final Fantasy I is the same. II and III released in Japan but didn't come here till much, much later. IV then came to the US as II. V came out in Japan only like II and III. VI was then released in the US as III and then VII came out which universalized the numbering. Since then, all the games have been released in the US so any FF games after mid-2000's use Japanese numbers (ex. Final Fantasy III on Android or iOS is Japanese III, not VI)
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